German army looking for MEO constellation?
February 26, 2024
By Chris Forrester

Germany’s Bundeswehr is still investigating concept of own MEO constellation of 12-24 sats to be ready for service from 2032. The military unit, according to reports, still seems doubtful over IRIS² and the EU’s proposal for a global scheme to serve governments and military demands for secure connectivity.
The news emerged at a Luxembourg conference (GovSatCom Conference 2024) on February 22 where Major-General Jurgen Setzer, in a keynote, presented his army’s thoughts on its demands and evolution of future connectivity. He implied that while IRIS2 “if applicable” could fit the bill, he was also enthusiastic about a “MEO own solution” of 12-24 “autonomous, owned constellation” of satellites to be ready from 2032.
Major-General Setzer is Vice Chief of the Cyber and Information Domain Service and Chief Information Security Officer of the Bundeswehr.
The GOVSATCOM Luxembourg Conference has become a key event on the agenda of International SATCOM actors from the satellite, governmental, institutional and defence fields and is an important opportunity for the satellite community to meet face to face with military personnel.