Advanced Television


FCC: “LEO constellations must cover everywhere”

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has issued a reality check to its fellow-regulators around the world saying that low Earth orbiting (LEO) satellites beaming broadband signals cannot switch their transmissions off when passing over an unfriendly nation. The FCC response followed a complaint from Iran’s Ministry of Information and Communications Technology about alleged illegal Starlink […]

July 3, 2024By Chris Forrester

Asian sat-operators need LEO help

The overpowering message to emerge from last week’s Asia Satellite Industry Forum is that the likes of SkyPerfectJSAT, AsiaSat, Measat and ABS are all missing the potential business that could flow from low Earth orbiting (LEO) satellites. The key speakers all admitted that partnerships with LEO players would help relieve the slow, but steady, decline […]

June 5, 2024By Chris Forrester

Report: LEO driving innovation through collaborations

Elon Musk’s SpaceX has just rolled out Starlink Internet services in Indonesia, marking a significant milestone for global connectivity and investment opportunities. This highlights the role of low earth orbit (LEO) satellites in enhancing worldwide communication and driving economic growth. International collaborations aimed at bolstering low-latency data relay services tap into pooled expertise and resources, […]

May 24, 2024

Avanti launches LEO services in South Africa

Avanti Communications, the multi-orbit satellite technology provider, has announced the launch of Low-Earth-Orbit (LEO) satellite connectivity services in South Africa. Avanti has partnered with Q-KON, a satellite engineering enterprise for southern Africa, to deliver seamless LEO connectivity from Eutelsat OneWeb. The new deal is set to improve business operations nationwide in what is a challenging […]

May 13, 2024

Forecast: Satellite IoT market $4bn by 2030

The satellite Internet of Things (IoT) market is transforming remarkably, driven by technological advancements and an ever-increasing demand for global connectivity. As the world becomes more interconnected, the limitations of terrestrial networks become apparent, particularly in remote and underserved regions. This is where satellite IoT steps in, bridging the gap with its ability to provide […]

April 19, 2024

Taiwan wants LEO broadband system

Taiwan wants its own satellite broadband system. Taiwan is just 80 miles from China’s mainland, and is anxious that it must have an independent infrastructure in case of near-by crisis. A report in The New York Times says that Taiwan wants to see an initial satellite orbiting by 2026. Meanwhile, Taiwan has a partnership agreement […]

March 19, 2024By Chris Forrester

SES: Owning a LEO system could be next

For the best part of 20 years, under the tenure of successive CEO’s Romain Bausch, Karim Michel Sabbagh and Steve Collar, the accepted mantra was that SES did not need a Low Earth orbiting (LEO) fleet of satellites. That position might now be very different under new CEO Adel Al-Salah who has been in post […]

March 1, 2024

Eutelsat OneWeb launches Land Mobility services

Eutelsat Group has confirmed the launch of Eutelsat OneWeb’s low Earth orbit (LEO) mobility services, bringing high-speed communications ‘on the move’ into reality for land-based customers. The launch of Land Mobility services enables Eutelsat OneWeb’s distribution partners to implement comms on the move solutions for customers around the world. The service activation opens up new […]

February 27, 2024

Farrar: “Small LEO players must consolidate”

Most observers in the industry agree that there are far too many smaller would-be low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite operators chasing broadband delivery and the ‘holy grail’ of direct-to-smartphone business. One consultant, Dr Tim Farrar (of TMF Associates) is blunt in saying “It’s quite plausible that rationality won’t return until the industry is in a […]

February 20, 2024By Chris Forrester

Eutelsat wins Telstra agreement

Eutelsat’s OneWeb division has won a significant contract with Australian telco Telstra. OneWeb will provide “the largest roll-out of low Earth orbit backhaul in Australia” says the company. The financial value of the agreement was not revealed but more information might emerge from Eutelsat’s half-year results due on February 16th. The launch follows the signing […]

February 13, 2024By Chris Forrester