Justwatch joins BASE, DEGI
September 26, 2023

JustWatch has become the newest hybrid member of the British Association for Screen Entertainment (BASE) & DEGI: The Digital Entertainment Group International, with immediate effect. They join over 30 BASE and DEGI community members.
JustWatch is a media company built for modern-day entertainment, helping consumers discover the digital content they want via legal routes. Content and consumption data from JustWatch enables their clients to target audiences by taste instead of age and gender demographics. Its streaming guide is among the largest in the world, with over 45 million active monthly users across 140 markets.
Toby Lindley-Smith, UK Country Manager at JustWatch said: “We are thrilled to become a member of BASE and DEGI. Since 2014, JustWatch has been helping entertainment brands and consumers get to grips with the ever-evolving entertainment landscape, from theatrical release through to broadcast TV. Working with BASE, DEGI and their members, we hope we can bring additional knowledge and insights to support the Home Entertainment industry.”
BASE and DEGI act as a conduit between content creators, distributors, digital service providers and their audiences at a local and international level.
Liz Bales, Chief Executive at BASE added: “It is with huge pleasure that we welcome JustWatch to BASE and DEGI. They are a unique organisation who have become a trusted and important partner for the industry. We take a one industry approach ensuring that all activity is complementary and supportive across the full product lifecycle, making JustWatch a perfect partner in the UK and beyond. The JustWatch focus on ensuring that legal routes to content are clear is a mission that we hold close, through our work at The Industry Trust, and JustWatch is now also a crucial player in that journey. There is so much opportunity for collaboration and conversation ahead, and we are truly excited.”