Ofcom consults on mmWave spectrum auction
May 14, 2024
By Colin Mann

UK comms regulator Ofcom is consulting on the regulations that will implement the decisions it has previously made on the design for the upcoming auction of millimetre wave (mmWave) spectrum in the 26 GHz and 40 GHz bands.
This spectrum is high-frequency and well suited to carrying large amounts of data in places where there are lots of people, such as stadiums, concert venues and train stations. It could also support new services such as virtual reality.
The proposed regulations set out the rules and process for the auction, and would give effect to the regulator’s auction design decisions published in November 2023 and April 2024.
Ofcom is inviting comments on these proposals by July 8th 2024. Subject to responses to this consultation, Ofcom intends to finalise these regulations in advance of the auction.
As announced in September 2023, to avoid the risk of inefficient allocation of the spectrum, Ofcom will not hold the auction before the Competition and Market Authority makes its decision on the proposed merger between Vodafone and Three.