Brazil to define DTT standard in 2024
April 11, 2023
From Branislav Pekic in Rome

The Brazilian government has presented a series of guidelines for the upgrading of the existing DTT standard, also known as ISDB-T, by December 31st 2024.
TV 3.0 will represent the evolution of TV 2.5, promising a significant improvement of sound and image quality, upscaling from Full HD to 4K or 8K, in addition to increased interactivity and integration between over-the-air TV and the internet.
The new transmission technology will also deliver content that is more segmented geographically and more aligned to viewers’ profiles, improving targeted advertising.
The integration between FTA TV and the internet will be achieved by ensuring connectivity between channels and applications, with the possibility of easy switching between FTA and the internet content offered by broadcasters.
The Ministry of Communications and the SBTVD Forum are responsible for the coordination of the study developed by Brazilian universities, industry and broadcasting partners on technologies that should be implemented in TV sets manufactured after 2025.
So far, over 20 international organisations have sent technology proposals for TV 3.0.
In February 2022, the SBTVD Forum decided that the MPEG-H audio system, developed by the Fraunhofer Society, will be integrated into TV 3.0.
Further tests and activities regarding the TV 3.0 technical specifications will be carried out throughout 2023 and 2024.
Although some older TV sets will have to be substituted, the transition will be conducted gradually so that the entire population has TV access, similarly to the analogue signal switch-off.