France consults on UHD DTT services
July 24, 2023
By Colin Mann

French audiovisual services and digital regulator Arcom has been contacted by the Government to grant public service broadcaster France Télévisions a right to use frequencies to allow the broadcasting of France 2 and France 3 in ultra-high definition, over a large part of mainland France and nine overseas territories, from 2024. Other broadcasters have also expressed their interest in offering such a service.
In order to meet these demands, a multiplex, using new standards, should be deployed. Arcom has initiated several related technical projects.
Accordingly, Arcom is launching a public consultation aimed at determining the capacity of this multiplex, and in particular the number of ultra-high definition services that it could host.
Responses to the public consultation are expected no later than September 13th, 2023.
The responses will contribute to determining the framework in which requests for broadcasting in ultra-high definition may be handled.