Museum Channel: ‘Innovation in our DNA’
Nela Pavlouskova of the Museum Channel says innovation is its DNA as it now provides a 4K UHD linear service having pioneered in both HD and 3D. [bitsontherun 6qvy7Ya7-hLYU43gg]
Nela Pavlouskova of the Museum Channel says innovation is its DNA as it now provides a 4K UHD linear service having pioneered in both HD and 3D. [bitsontherun 6qvy7Ya7-hLYU43gg]
Masashi Yoshino of NHK News talks about the rewards of shooting news in 4K UHD but also the challenges of transporting data at a rate that can be 6x real time. [bitsontherun BLjBxB2s-hLYU43gg]
Rene Delwel, CEO of United 4 All, tells about another year of shooting in 4K UHD, including famous names in concert and game shows in Botswana, and why its ‘totally worth’ moving to HDR and Wide Colour Gamut, [bitsontherun W4ZWbSD0-hLYU43gg]
Reza Ackbaraly CEO of Auditorium Films tells about capturing concerts in 4K UHD, the challenges in workflow, and how choosing the right subject matter is the key to making UHD really work for the broadcaster and viewer. [bitsontherun jnIgRxrK-hLYU43gg]
CEO Rian Rester tells us about InsightTV’s first year and what they have learned about 4K UHD production and broadcast. [bitsontherun fwOZqSaJ-hLYU43gg]
Advanced Television’s annual update on the challenges of content security and the latest techniques and developments in the this crucial sector. Watch as industry experts from Cisco, Irdeto, Microsoft and Nagra take on: content sharing, compliance and common approaches, risk assessment, data centre challenges and security in the cloud, IoT and frictionless 360 security, working […]
IP means Big Data is now part of the broadcast landscape. What is it, how is it collected, how can it be managed and how will it deliver monetisation? Advanced Television brought together five top practitioners from Beenius, 4C Insights, IBM, Olswang and Tata to debate the key questions. [bitsontherun Xmg5wRQI-hLYU43gg]
Sylvain Thevenot, tells us about Netgem’s first visit to Mobile World Congress to demonstrate its mobile TV solution. For twenty years Netgem has stayed at the forefront of TV developments and now offers a complete converged services platform for telcos, ISPs and mobile operators. [bitsontherun mV6rrEYy-ni7dlelE]
Amos Rozenberg of Paramax Films reveals plans for a UHD post production studio in Bali and emphasises the different creative approach that needs to be brought to UHD shooting and post production. [bitsontherun kg36SKs4-ni7dlelE]
Peter Alexander of NASA TV talks about the amazing content from the space station in UHD and explains it is available for anyone who want to trial their UHD equipment and processes. [bitsontherun MFZTe0ji-ni7dlelE]