30% of SVoD films in Europe are of European origin
April 20, 2016
A report from the European Audiovisual Observatory reveals that 27 per cent of films available on VoD in the EU are European productions, compared with 59 per cent for US films (from the 75 VoD catalogues analysed).
Additionally, 30 per cent of films available on SVoD in Europe are of European origin, compared with 60 per cent for US films (16 SVoD catalogues analysed); and 100 per cent of all films available on VoD in more than 40 catalogues in Europe are of US or international origin.
The report also reveals that the availability of European national films on VoD and SVoD platforms is strongly linked to national production levels in each respective country.
The Observatory’s analysts have found that pan-European services adapt their films on offer to the individual tastes and trends in each country they serve. Significant differences from country to country were noticed in the catalogues of films on offer from pan-European services.