Portugal’s pay-TV growth at lowest rate since 2013
June 21, 2024
From Branislav Pekic in Rome

At the end of the first quarter of 2024, there were 4.6 million pay-TV subscribers in Portugal, 88,000 more than in the same period last year (+2 per cent), the slowest growth since 2013.
Most subscriptions (96 per cent) are bundled with other telecommunications services, with only 2 per cent sold alone, according to data published by the National Communications Authority (Anacom).
Fibre optic (FTTH/B) is the leading distribution technology, accounting for 64.5 per cent of subscribers. FTTH gained the most subscribers (184,000) compared to last year (+6.6 per cent), though this is its slowest annual growth since its introduction. Cable TV followed with 26.6 per cent, ahead of satellite (6.9 per cent), and ADSL (1.9 per cent).
The residential segment has 4.1 million subscribers (+1.6 per cent annually), making up 88.7 per cent of the total.
Altice Portugal’s unit Meo is the top provider with 41.6 per cent market share, followed by Grupo NOS (36.3 per cent), Vodafone (19.3 per cent), and Nowo (2.7 per cent).
Meo and Vodafone gained the most subscribers compared to last year (+0.4 per cent in both cases), while Grupo NOS (-0.6 per cent) and Nowo (-0.2 per cent) saw their shares decrease.