Advanced Television

Nick Snow

Nick Snow

Nick Snow is the founder of Advanced Television Ltd and is publisher & editor-in-chief of and Euromedia. In 1984 he worked on the debut issue of Cable & Satellite Europe, and over the years his companies have published many of the industry’s most highly regarded titles. He is also a screenwriter, producer and playwright.

Call Wendi

Did any Murdoch come out well from the recent grilling (albeit typically light grilling) from MPs in the DCMS Select Committee? The only one who enhanced their reputation was Rupert’s wife Wendi. She literally leapt to her husband’s defence as a pie-chucking protester approached and began to hit him with his paper plate, simultaneously shouting […]

July 20, 2011

News Corp: The reckoning

Keith Rupert Murdoch has seen eighty summers, but few will have had interludes as hot and uncomfortable as this one. Not that he seems worried – snatched pictures show a grinning figure in a range of bizarre ‘Sod you, I’m an old man’ hats, as he’s chauffeured around London sweeping up after some of his […]

July 13, 2011

Remember Bebo?

No, nor does anyone else. Except, I guess, Randy Falco, the hapless AOL manager who signed off the $850 million to buy it just three years ago. Oh, and, of course, Joanna Shields the brilliant ex-Google exec who engineered that spectacular deal for a business already in decline. Shields is now with Facebook. Is it […]

June 23, 2011

Real Microsoft v. FC Apple

Imagine, if you will, that some of our great tech companies are football (i.e. soccer) teams. Would Microsoft be Real Madrid perhaps? A great history – even if some of it, in both cases, remains shrouded in mystery – very rich and very powerful. But living a bit on past glories? A deserved reputation for […]

June 13, 2011

Internet Video hits a guzillion gigabytes!

Have you heard that by 2013 and a bit, the amount of Internet Video transmitted every week will hit a guzillion Gbs? That’s the same as 20 hexabillion or 100 terratillion, and that’s loads. Only five years ago the whole Internet only carried 10 zintillion all year… think what we were missing. Actually, I just […]

June 2, 2011

More and more choice… hooray?

In the latest issue of Euromedia we examine the Home Gateway and its role in enabling the consumer to move nearer to the ‘anything you could want, any time, on any device, anywhere’ Nirvana we all, apparently, aspire to. The Home Gateway’s other important role is in bestowing managed providers with a refreshed raison d’être; […]

May 3, 2011

Targeted ads won’t mean more budget

The more things change the more they stay the same? Is this the lesson of the last few years and the TV advertising market? For many years now niche channels have tried to deliver specialist audiences that have a higher value to advertisers than a mixed, mass audience. The results have been decidedly mixed. The […]

March 29, 2011

Cord cutting is all about tipping points

We have a widget on the news service that calculates the most read story over the last five days. It is clear that if the words connected TV feature in the story it will rank high and if the name Google TV is included it will shoot to the top. This fascination is divided […]

March 15, 2011

Sky deal will be slow and expensive

What do you get an octogenarian billionaire for his birthday? How about the share of Sky he doesn’t already own? Well, luckily for him, it seems that for Rupert Murdoch 80 is the new 60, so he doesn’t need to be in a huge hurry to open his present. This is just as well because […]

March 2, 2011

Wanna Roadmap? Get a Brazilian…

Now I’ve got your attention I’ll explain. A session here at Cable Congress posed the question what should operator’s digital home strategies be? No surprise that everybody nodded enthusiastically to enabling the home network, developing the Set Top as the home gateway and delivering ‘blow me away’ user interfaces. But panellists also admitted that this […]

February 15, 2011