Advanced Television

European Commission

Vodafone calls for Connectivity Union

Telco giant Vodafone is calling for a new Connectivity Union to help accelerate Europe’s digital ambitions and unleash its ability to compete on a global scale. It says that Europe’s future economic success will be underpinned by next-generation connectivity. Only through 5G standalone will European businesses be able to fully capitalise on the industrial value […]

July 3, 2024By Colin Mann

European VOD Coalition adds infrastructure views

The European VOD Coalition has welcomed the opportunity to provide input to the European Commission’s consultation on the White Paper, How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?. The Coalition brings together video-on-demand and digital entertainment companies that share common values and invest in and distribute audiovisual content in the Europe Union as their core commercial […]

July 1, 2024By Colin Mann

ETNO calls for strengthened connectivity policies

According to ETNO, the voice of Europe’s telecommunications network operators, currently, 76 per cent of European citizens see advanced connectivity as essential in improving their lives and socio-economic prospects, with almost 30 per cent asking to strengthen the availability of high-speed Internet for everyone, everywhere. Accordingly ETNO is urging the new, European leadership to take […]

June 26, 2024By Colin Mann

Doubts grow over IRIS² scheme

Last week Germany expressed in no uncertain terms its unhappiness over the EU-backed IRIS² Low Earth Orbiting system which would give Europe’s governments a secure, encrypted satellite fleet and an alternate to Elon Musk’s Starlink broadband system. (IRIS² Infrastructure for Resilience, Interconnectivity and Security by Satellite). The German government strongly opposes IRIS² due to its […]

May 7, 2024

EC fines Apple €1.8bn for music streaming violation

The European Commission (EC) has fined Apple over €1.8 billion for abusing its dominant position on the market for the distribution of music streaming apps to iPhone and iPad users through its App Store. In particular, the Commission found that Apple applied restrictions on app developers preventing them from informing iOS users about alternative and […]

March 4, 2024

EU may relax M&A to boost 5G

EU regulators may relax rules against mobile telecoms mergers and broaden telecoms rules to get Big Tech and others to help fund the rollout of 5G, according to a European Commission document reported by Reuters. National telcos have long lobbied EU antitrust regulators to loosen rules that clampdown on mergers that reduce the number of […]

February 14, 2024

TF1 files France Télévisions state aid complaint

French commercial broadcaster TF1 group has filed a complaint with the European Commission for “illegal state aid” against PSB group France Télévisions. The abolition of the TV licence fee, to be replaced by the allocation of a portion of VAT, is at the heart of TF1’s argument, according to Le Figaro. “This change in financing […]

January 23, 2024From Pascale Paoli-Lebailly in Paris

Spain’s Sateliot wants 64 new satellites

Spain’s Sateliot already has a pair of demonstration satellites in orbit and designed to test space-based connectivity for specialist communications, monitoring, tracking and Internet of Things devices. It is looking to raise €30 million in a Series B round in order to add 64 satellites. On January 10th Sateliot said it holds firm orders worth […]

January 16, 2024By Chris Forrester

BEUC, ecta voice telecoms regulation concerns

BEUC – The European Consumer Organisation and ecta, the European competitive telecommunications association, have expressed their concerns and observations on the current discussions regarding the future regulatory framework governing the EU telecoms sector. In an open letter, they say they are worried by statements made by the Presidency of the Council of the European Union […]

November 10, 2023By Colin Mann

Telco trade bodies call for GIA changes

Trade bodies representing the European telecommunications industry have welcomed the European Commission’s proposal on the Gigabit Infrastructure Act (GIA) that aims at addressing the red tape and the challenge of slow, complex and costly deployment of Very High Capacity Networks (VHCN) across the European Union. However, while they welcome many of the changes to the […]

September 29, 2023By Colin Mann