Advanced Television


KPN chooses Bluestreak to deliver 3G

Bluestreak Technology, the developer of the MachBlue platform for mobile phones and digital television, will provide its MachBlue Mobile solution to support KPN’s start of mobile TV by offering MobielTV. The service will be free of charge to early adopting customers until the end of 2007. MachBlue Mobile is a platform for mobile phones that […]

October 1, 2007

Mobile TV? Maybe

Results from a survey of 2,000 European consumers by market analyst firm Canalys indicate that half have no interest in watching any kind of TV on a mobile phone, even if the service was free. The findings highlight three potentially attractive mobile TV customer segments: The pay-TV subscriber: consumers that take pay-TV services (54 per […]

September 28, 2007

Government gives the green light to DVB-H

From Sotires Eleftheriou in Paris The French Government has signed the decree for the technical standard for mobile television, known as TMP (television mobile personnelle) using the DVB-H standard, with complementary coverage via satellite using DVB-SH. The way is now open for a call for candidates to be issued by the end of October. The […]

September 26, 2007

Mobile TV 'not interesting'

Europeans’ interest in watching mobile television is tiny, a new study shows. Mobile operators hope that mobile TV could encourage users to spend an extra E5 to 10 a month, compensating for declining revenues from voice calls, but mobile television and video downloads ranked close to the bottom of consumer interest in a Gartner study […]

September 26, 2007

Axel and Siano cut DVB-H channel switching time

Axel Technologies, provider of multimedia middleware for mobile devices, and Siano Mobile Silicon, supplier of semiconductor solutions for Mobile Digital TV (MDTV) have launched a comprehensive platform for DVB-H terminals, with record-fast channel switching time of less than 2 seconds. The solution is targeting DVB-H enabled mobile phones, smartphones, laptops, PDAs, pocket TVs, PMPs and […]

September 26, 2007

Verizon mobile TV service

Mobile phone network provider Verizon Wireless is launching a mobile TV service in the US that will see new shows from CBS, NBC and Fox debut on phones at the same time as they air on TV. More than 10 new shows from CBS, NBC and Fox will debut on the V Cast Mobile service […]

September 25, 2007

Trai tunes in to TV-on-mobile code

The Indian telecom regulator TRAI has initiated a consultation process to seek operators' views before issuing guidelines for mobile TV services. The Government will also issue a regulatory framework for mobile TV. Based on comments from the industry, Trai will issue recommendations on issues relating to mobile television services. The guidelines will be on international […]

September 20, 2007

Mobile TV to reach 120m by 2012

Worldwide annual consumer spending on mobile broadcast TV services is expected to exceed $6.6 billion (E4.7bn) by 2012, according to a new report from Juniper Research. It predicts 120 million mobile users in more than 40 countries are to receive broadcast TV services by 2012, compared to less than 12 million in 2007, with DVB-H […]

September 20, 2007

iPhone hits UK

Apple and O2 have confirmed that the iPhone will launch in the UK on November 9 with O2 as its exclusive carrier. O2 customers will be able to get their hands on an iPhone for £269 (E384) – approximately £69 more than in the US. O2 will be offering unlimited data usage (2.5G, EDGE) to […]

September 19, 2007

PMPs becoming more aligned with consumer needs

Compelling video content and good video viewing experience trump cost of video content as the top two factors that will drive consumers’ usage of next-generation, video-focused portable entertainment devices, according to Parks Associates’ report. The data is pulled from Parks Associates’ survey – Mobile Entertainment Platforms and Service II – and is based on analysis […]

September 17, 2007