Advanced Television

Hub Entertainment Research

Research identifies SVoD ARPU-driving factors

‘500 channels and nothing to watch’ is the familiar refrain of customers frustrated with expensive cable packages. In today’s streaming world, a similar question remains: with so many platforms and abundance of content from which to choose, what’s worth paying for? Hub Entertainment Research’s annual Monetization of Video study reveals that even with consumers feeling […]

July 16, 2024

Research: US Smart TV ownership rising

The holiday season was good for many of America’s living rooms, with Smart TV ownership increasing in Q1 2024 to nearly eight in 10 households as consumers replace old TVs and embrace streaming video. Hub Entertainment Research’s annual Connected Home study reveals how consumers are still investing in home entertainment technology that improves their home […]

April 11, 2024

Research: SVoDs struggle to find identity with consumers

As Hollywood works to get its groove back in 2024, Hub Entertainment Research’s annual Evolution of Video Branding study confirms that consumers struggle to differentiate streaming platforms in an ecosystem full of options. Key findings include: Awareness of leading streaming services is universal, but many consumers aren’t confident what differentiates one platform from another. Nearly […]

March 13, 2024

Research: Sports may settle streaming wars

In the battle for traditional and streaming TV subscribers, unique content is viewed as the silver bullet. But scripted originals no longer fit the bill: after years of peak TV spending, every platform has at least one. Sports, however, are still unique. If viewers want to watch the NFL, the NBA, or the Premier League, […]

February 23, 2024

Research: For Gen Z, everything is entertainment

As the first native smartphone generation, Gen Z consumers are entertainment omnivores. Their handheld devices allow them immediate access to a wealth of platforms and content and they are taking full advantage. The latest 2023 results of Hub  Entertainment Research’s annual Video Redefined survey shows that unlike their older counterparts for whom TV and movies […]

January 30, 2024

Research: Podcasts can pay off for telecasts

According to Hub Entertainment Research’s new report, Can You Hear Me Now?, podcasts can be a valuable addition to the marketing tools used by traditional TV networks or streaming video services. Podcasts can drive sampling: Among listeners of all types of podcasts, half (50 per cent) say they would be more interested in watching a […]

January 18, 2024

Research: Growing preference for AVoD

As streaming video services have raised subscription prices and rolled out lower-cost ad-supported tiers, more consumers are expressing their preference for watching ads to save money, according to the results of Hub Entertainment Research’s TV Advertising: Fact vs Fiction survey, which suggests that the trend of consumers opting for ads is not abating. Most viewers […]

January 5, 2024

Research: Consumers seek streamlined viewing experience

The latest wave of Hub Entertainment Research’s semi-annual Battle Royale survey sheds new light on how consumers make decisions in an increasingly crowded landscape of entertainment providers. Consumers are feeling the bite of more expensive streaming: In Hub’s latest survey, 88 per cent of entertainment consumers agree with the statement that streaming video subscriptions are […]

December 5, 2023

Research: Choice management still a challenge

As the era of ‘peak TV’ tapers and new shows have been delayed by Hollywood strikes, the impact on audience choice is becoming clearer, according to Hub Entertainment Research. Even with a reduction of programmes, consumers still enjoy an abundance of content choices. This year’s edition of Hub’s annual Conquering Content report confirms viewers are […]

November 17, 2023

Research: Sizable potential TV audience for gaming IP

In today’s world, a perhaps under-leveraged IP are video games, suggests Hub Entertainment Research. Not for a lack of trying, but a track record full of shoddy movies based on gaming IP left gamers and the general public suspicious of anything based on gaming IP.  This changed when The Last of Us hit TV screens […]

October 24, 2023