Advanced Television

Work flow

BBC Digital Media Initiative ‘over-optimistic’

According to the National Audit Office (NAO), the body which scrutinises public spending on behalf of the UK Parliament, the BBC Executive was too optimistic and did not have a sufficient grip on its Digital Media Initiative (DMI) programme, nor did it commission a thorough independent assessment to see whether the project was technically sound. […]

January 29, 2014By Colin Mann

Net Insight for Rostelecom

Net Insight, a provider of scalable transport solutions for media, IP and broadcast networks, has revealed that Rostelecom, a new customer, has selected the company’s Nimbra platform for live video transport feeds for the forthcoming Winter Olympics in Sochi. Rostelecom will transport live video feeds from Sochi to Moscow during the event. Rostelecom is a […]

January 29, 2014Nick Snow @ CSTB

CDN: control, functionality, business models

TV Everywhere is a now a routine demand on content providers, be they broadcasters, pay-TV players or OTT services. This means everyone has to engage with ‘The Cloud’ and make use of CDNs. How is the CDN market developing in terms of functionality, compatibility, hierarchies and business control? We brought together experts from Edgeware, Ericsson […]

December 18, 2013

thePlatform launches Virtual TV Framework

Suggesting that the support and investment from parent company Comcast had enabled to re-evaluate its support to its content provider and pay-TV operator customers, white-label video publishing company thePlatform has unveiled a new Virtual TV Framework to enable cable, satellite and IPTV service providers to replicate their 24 hour, live, linear programming and video on […]

September 26, 2013By Colin Mann

NTV Plus picks Grass Valley for 2014 Winter Games

Grass Valley has revealed it will provide Russian satellite broadcaster NTV Plus with several of its innovative live production solutions to deliver multichannel sports production for the 2014 Winter Games to be held in Sochi, Russia, February 7-23, 2014. These solutions include a K2 Summit production client with a K2 Storage Area Network (SAN), GV […]

September 19, 2013

Extreme Reach buys DGIT’s TV Business

Extreme Reach, Inc., a video platform for integrated TV, online and mobile advertising, has agreed to acquire the TV business of Digital Generation, Inc, including its advertising distribution business unit, for $485 million in cash. The transaction, which is subject to approval by DGIT’s shareholders, is expected to be accomplished in two steps: DGIT will […]

August 13, 2013

thePlatform simplifies live event publishing

Recognising that historically, media companies have needed to juggle separate back-end systems for managing live online events and the rest of their premium video assets, white-label video publishing company thePlatform has introduced a single Web-based console to schedule and manage live signal acquisition and encoding, handle dynamic advertising insertion and metadata creation, and automatically archive […]

May 7, 2013

Ericsson disaster recovery for broadcasters

Being off air is perhaps the one thing that all broadcasters fear most, and yet the prohibitive cost of redundant broadcasting systems means that few broadcasters can afford them. To overcome this problem, Ericsson is cooperating with Front Porch Digital – the global leader in content storage management (CSM) solutions – to provide a cost-effective […]

April 10, 2013

Elemental for Warner

Elemental Technologies, the leading supplier of video solutions for multiscreen content delivery,  announced that Warner Bros. has deployed Elemental Server video processing systems to enhance its Emmy Award-winning Digital End-to-End (DETE) content workflow and distribution system. Elemental Server drives large-scale content conversion while significantly reducing the physical, power and heating footprint required to output studio-grade […]

April 9, 2013

Cloud based TV revenue take off

Cloud-based TV service revenues will increase from $120 million in 2013 to more than $750 milion by 2017, according to Multimedia Research Group. Most of those revenues will be cloud services for cable operators, followed by satellite and then IPTV. The market for cloud services for pay-TV operators is just starting and vendors are racing […]

April 5, 2013