Advanced Television


Czech TV live streams Prague Marathon with Resilient Dejero

Dejero recently provided Czech production company Livecast s.r.o with EnGo mobile video transmitters, a GateWay network aggregation device, and a WayPoint receiver to deliver uninterrupted connectivity of Czech Television’s live coverage of the 2024 Prague Marathon, which saw 8000 participants take part. With the help of Dejero connectivity solutions, Livecast was able to deliver live […]

July 10, 2024

Grabyo partners with Dejero

Grabyo has partnered with Dejero to provide broadcasters, publishers and content owners with a simplified end-to-end solution for remote video production and distribution. Dejero’s mobile transmitters and video transport solutions are now integrated into Grabyo’s cloud video platform, which offers live broadcast production, live clipping, rapid editing and video distribution tools. This joint solution enables […]

May 18, 2021