Advanced Television

Consumer Behaviour

Research: Mobile TV behaviour

“Mobile media usage continues to accelerate across the globe, driven by advancing technologies and the growing number of content options available to consumers,” said Mark Donovan, comScore senior vice president of mobile. “As we look across markets, dramatic differences in mobile media consumption, brand adoption and user behavior become evident. These differences are even more […]

October 11, 2010

Research: US cable subs more price sensitive

US consumers are less satisfied with their monthly pay-TV bills compared with last year, according to J.D. Power and Associates’ annual TV customer-satisfaction service survey – and cable subscribers are more likely to feel ‘ripped off’ than telco or satellite TV customers. The average satisfaction rating for the cost of pay-TV prices fell 2.5 per […]

October 7, 2010

Research: Consumers like new sources but won’t “cut cord”

Interest in and consumption of online media continues to grow and remain strong. While pay-TV operators have not yet seen a significant impact on their subscriber bases, early indicators suggest online media will eventually compete with pay-TV.  An ABI Research consumer survey revealed that about 32 per cent of those surveyed are interested in watching […]

October 5, 2010

Research: iPlayer tops usability chart

A report from user experience consultancy Webcredible says that the BBC iPlayer is leading major UK broadcasters in the VoD usability stakes with a score of 88 per cent, followed by Scottish broadcaster STV with its STV Player coming in second with 76 per cent Sky Player scored just 55 per cent, with admittedly a […]

October 1, 2010

Research: Untapped market for connected devices in US

According to a report by The NPD Group, there is a large and untapped market for devices that offer connected capabilities and the digital content played on those devices. NPD’s report reveals how US consumers are adopting connected devices and using digital content, as well as what motivates specific consumer groups to use connected devices […]

September 30, 2010

Research: Mobile video taking off in Europe

comScore, a specialist in measuring the digital world, has released data from its comScore MobiLens service showing that the number of people viewing video on mobile devices has increased 66 per cent in the past year to 12.1 million mobile consumers across the EU5 countries (UK, France, Germany, Spain and Italy). The UK and Italy […]

September 29, 2010

Research: ‘Event TV’ drives social nets

With the rise of ‘event TV’ such as X Factor, Strictly Come Dancing and sporting events, more and more Brits are using social networks and instant messaging to chat to friends as the events unfold. Research from Intel has found that almost half of (45 per cent) Brits have admitted to using sites such as […]

September 29, 2010

Global IPTV subs surpass 38.5m

The number of global IPTV subscribers has increased by more than 2.3 million in the second quarter of 2010 to pass 38.5 million by the end of June, according to research by broadband research firm Point Topic. The research states that the growth is in line with broadband growth, so the proportion of the world’s […]

September 28, 2010

Facebook dominates new media landscape

Interpret, an entertainment, media and technology market research firm, has released data from its quarterly New Media Measure study that tracks media behaviours, device ownership, attitudes and product consumption.  Behaviour and trending data from its 2010 second-quarter report reveals the preference for streaming over downloading video and the growth of Facebook within the social media […]

September 23, 2010

Over 25% of UK homes have completed switchover

More than a quarter of UK homes are in areas that have completed the switchover from analogue to digital TV.  Figures show that around 6.92 million – or 26 per cent of homes – have now completed the switchover process. Earlier this year Wales became the UK’s first digital TV nation when the analogue signal […]

September 22, 2010