Advanced Television


Ofcom calls for BBC Sounds public interest test

​UK broadcast regulator Ofcom has published its review of the BBC’s assessment of whether its proposals for three new music streams on BBC Sounds constitute ‘material changes’ to its public service activities. Before making any changes to its licence-fee funded services, the BBC must first, under the Charter and Agreement, consider whether the changes are […]

July 16, 2024By Colin Mann

Ofcom licenses 2,000+ frequencies for Glastonbury

The Glastonbury festival is one of the UK’s biggest cultural events. This year some 210,000 people attended the event from June 26th to 30th, which was headlined by Dua Lipa, Coldplay and SZA. And although the main Pyramid stage is where the headline acts perform, the event is huge, with festival-goers entertained by acts and […]

July 5, 2024

Ofcom sets out ad co-regulatory plans

Ofcom has set out proposals to renew its co-regulatory arrangements with the Advertising Standards Authority for the regulation of broadcast, on demand and video sharing platform advertising. Under the current arrangements, the ASA acts as the frontline regulator and Ofcom provides a statutory backstop. The longstanding co-regulatory system, which was first established in 2004, has […]

June 7, 2024By Colin Mann

Broadcasting bosses urge Parliament to pass Media Bill

Nine CEOs from the UK broadcasting industry have released a statement urging the government to pass Media Bill updates ahead of the General Election, which has been scheduled for July 4th – meaning Parliament will be dissolved in just a few days’ time. A joint statement says: “As leading CEOs from the UK broadcasting industry, […]

May 23, 2024

Ofcom fines BT £2.8m for customer contract failures

UK media regulator Ofcom has fined BT £2.8 million (€3.2m) after it failed to provide more than a million customers with clear and simple contract information before signing up to a new deal. Ofcom stated that the telco broke its consumer protection rules designed to ensure telecoms customers get clear, comparable information about the services […]

May 22, 2024

GB News faces Ofcom sanction

An Ofcom investigation has concluded that People’s Forum: The Prime Minister on GB News broke broadcasting due impartiality rules. Given this represents a serious and repeated breach of these rules, Ofcom is now starting the process for consideration of a statutory sanction against GB News. Ofcom received 547 complaints about this live, hour-long current affairs […]

May 20, 2024By Colin Mann

Ofcom consults on mmWave spectrum auction

UK comms regulator Ofcom is consulting on the regulations that will implement the decisions it has previously made on the design for the upcoming auction of millimetre wave (mmWave) spectrum in the 26 GHz and 40 GHz bands. This spectrum is high-frequency and well suited to carrying large amounts of data in places where there […]

May 14, 2024By Colin Mann

Ofcom: ‘DTT at risk’

UK broadcast regulator Ofcom has provided the Government with a report on the future of TV distribution. This is in response to a request from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) in 2022 for Ofcom to carry out an early review of market changes that may affect the way content reaches audiences on Digital […]

May 9, 2024By Colin Mann

Ofcom: Proposed measures to improve kids’ online safety

Ofcom, the UK media regulator, has published a package of proposed measures that social media and other online services must take to improve children’s safety when they’re online. Ofcom has explained some of the main measures and the difference it expects them to make and has set out proposed steps online services would need to take […]

May 8, 2024

UK broadcasters warned on due impartiality

Ofcom research underlines the significant value UK viewers and listeners place on due impartiality as the media regulator puts broadcasters on notice that they must maintain the highest editorial standards ahead of a General Election. The qualitative research explores audiences’ understanding of news and current affairs content and their expectations of due impartiality when politicians […]

April 24, 2024By Colin Mann