Advanced Television


Rakuten Advertising, Magnite ad inventory deal

Independent omnichannel sell-side advertising platform Magnite has confirmed that advertising technology and consumer insights specialist Rakuten Advertising will leverage the Magnite CTV platform across Europe to broaden advertiser and agency access to inventory on Rakuten TV AVoD service. Magnite’s CTV platform further expands Rakuten Advertising’s access to technology built properly to handle the nuances of […]

June 3, 2021

Study: EU content gets 31% of all promotion on TVoDs

The European Audiovisual Observatory has updated its annual report on the prominence of European films and programmes on transactional VoD (TVoD). This new analysis of the prominence of films and TV series covers 57 leading TVoD services from 7 European countries. Key findings from this report: The top 10 promoted films capture about 40 per […]

January 26, 2021

Analyst: Will SVoDs replace pay-TV?

In presenting an overview of the changing TV and media landscape, Tristan Veale, Market Analyst at Futuresource Consulting has questioned whether shifting content consumption habits will lead to an SVoD future at the expense of traditional pay-TV. “Consumers inform content creators of their preferences by voting with their money,” he notes . “Globally, pay-TV subscription […]

December 18, 2020By Colin Mann

Data: Pandemic drives 24% rise in TV consumption

According to data from digital TV integrated software solutions provider Mirada, there has been an unprecedented rise in worldwide TV content consumption since the beginning of the Covid-19 lockdown. Mirada’s findings, from its LogIQ data analytics platform, compare consumption across its customers’ pay-TV services before and during the coronavirus crisis in the territories in which […]

June 24, 2020