Advanced Television


C-Screens partners with

C-Screens, the UK’s TV Out-of-Home (TVOOH) network, has announced a partnership with, a creator-first streaming platform backed by media mogul, Simon Cowell. The deal will grant C-Screens access to’s original music content from emerging artists, adding another dimension to C-Screen’s content playing across its retail network of high impact TV screens throughout the […]

June 4, 2024

C-Screens completes audit process with RSMB

C-Screens, the UK TV Out-of-Home (TVOOH) broadcaster, has successfully completed its audit process with RSMB. This compnay says this milestone “marks a significant step forward for the entire media sector, bringing parity between the planning, execution, and measurement of TV and TVOOH experiences, and a genuine new environment for premium brand advertisers”. In an industry […]

March 22, 2024

Adomni, Kochava launch Outside In partnership

Adomni, a player in programmatic digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising, and Kochava, the real-time data solutions company for omni-channel attribution and measurement, have announced a new partnership: Outside In by Adomni. This innovative programme empowers advertisers running connected TV (CTV) campaigns to enhance results with new retargeting capabilities from audiences exposed to video ads in the […]

February 19, 2024

Forecast: UK to remain Europe’s top E&M market

The UK is forecast to maintain its position as the leading entertainment and media market in Europe over the next four years according to PwC’s Global Entertainment & Media (E&M) Outlook 2023-2027. UK E&M revenue is expected to reach £85 billion (€99.1bn) in 2023 with growth forecast at a compound annual growth rate of 4 […]

June 27, 2023

Crackle Connex Joins Geopath

Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment has announced that Crackle Connex, the company’s sales platform, has signed to become a member of Geopath, the not-for-profit organisation that provides the industry standard audience metrics for out-of-home (OOH) advertising. Crackle Connex will begin using Geopath data to understand audience targeting, audience measurement, and return on ad spend […]

April 26, 2023

Analysis: Global TV media costs soaring

Media inflation is driving up the cost of advertising across channels, with TV most affected, according to an analysis by WARC Media. The latest Global Ad Trends report finds that, globally, TV CPMs (cost per thousand) have increased 31.2 per cent since 2019 – the steepest incline in more than two decades – and are […]

August 5, 2022

iSpot acquires Tunity

Marking its third major acquisition in 14 months, real-time TV measurement company iSpot is expanding its cross-platform viewing verification capabilities through the acquisition of Tunity, the TV-viewing solutions and analytics company that measures consumer viewing habits in public locations nationwide. In Tunity, iSpot says it picks up an innovative company with network and brand adoption […]

March 3, 2022

Report: Media another growing generational divide

There was a significant drop in the correlation between how the younger and older generations spent their time with commercial media during lockdown 2020, highlighting the need to deploy diverse media plans, according to the findings a new TouchPoints report from the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA). The report, Making sense. The commercial media […]

February 9, 2021